I should’ve walked away

I should’ve walked away when he told me he wasn’t ready for a relationship.

I should’ve walked away when his phone would mysteriously ring at 3am.

I should’ve walked away when he refused to delete his online dating profile.

I should’ve walked away when he told me he never wanted to get married.

I should’ve walked away when after eventually we committed to a relationship, he still continued to friend dozens of random single girls on Facebook.

I should’ve walked away when his sister called him a man whore.

I should’ve walked away when I found messages on his computer to a bunch of different girls asking them to hang out during times I was at work.

I should’ve walked away when he pleaded for forgiveness but still couldn’t tell me the truth about it.

I should’ve walked away when his own behavior made him super suspicious of mine.

I should’ve walked away when he used to take his phone with him everywhere, even to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

I should’ve walked away when he finally walked away from me.

I should walk away when even six months after the relationship has ended, he still keeps me hanging on.

I shouldn’t take his calls.

I shouldn’t believe him when he cries and tells me he can’t find anyone like me.

I shouldn’t listen to “I love you”.

I should walk away.

Sexy Arrogance

New York has a way of kicking your ass like no other city I’ve been in. Anywhere else you can have a long tough day and your journey home will suck for no other reason than you are just in a bad mood. In New York you will leave, try and get a cab and there’s suddenly none, a passing car can splash dirty puddle water right up on you, your heel will snap and when you finally grab that elusive taxi, you’ll realize half way home that you’ve left your wallet in the office. It’s never just one kick, New York will grab that sucky ass day and kick your butt the entire length of Manhattan.
In the months I’ve been here, I’ve come up against more challenges and more tough situations than I could imagine. What’s gotten me through this is the friends I’ve made. We laugh over the shitty tests this city manages too throw at you seemingly on a weekly basis. When you know people are facing the same trials, it’s reassuring and gives you that strength to see it through.
Sunday afternoon I’m sitting with my gay male buddy having chats over beers. We’re discussing exactly this, the challenges of living in the Big Apple. He tells me that October and November were two of his toughest months in the city. Work politics, money issues and lack of knowing people in this big city got on top of him. He tells me how happy he is since we met in January. Having a partner in crime changes your perspective on how life is. He tells me, in a love-in moment, that I’ve brightened up his life. I feel the same, he’s an awesome guy and someone I instantly connected with.
We discuss our similar personality traits, he’s as brutally honest as I am. We can tell each how how it is, straight and without bullshit. Then he tells me he loves my arrogance.

I nearly fall off my barstool laughing. I’m arrogant? He says yes, but it’s sexy arrogance. What the fuck is sexy arrogance, I ask him. He tells me to think Heather Locklear in Melrose Place.

Not bad, I can handle that. I can be Heather.

The night before I’d gone to a birthday party hosted by Australians I know from my years spent in Sydney. There’s an Aussie guy there that I guess I’ve caught the attention of judging from the glances he keeps throwing my way.

We leave the house and hit Niagra in the East Village. He still does not approach me properly, but instead employs the Aussie lad technique of showing me he’s interested by buying me beers.

It gets to the point where I’ve got three full bottles of Bud in my hands and I’m unable to literally hold anymore beers. I have to tell him to stop buying me drinks. He’s not even chatting me up, just throwing drinks at me. He’s no idea how else to show his intentions.

At the end of the night, he orchestrates it so that we share a taxi home, despite the fact that it’s a stretch to pretend we are going in the same direction.

The next day I receive a Facebook friend request from him. He messages me telling me that when we were in the cab and he’d gone for the kill, afterwards he’d leaned back and looked at me and said “Wow, you are a really good kisser”.

He tells me I played it cool, apparently rolling my eyes and answering “yeah, I know”.

Right so that’s this arrogance coming in.

A couple of days later I’m walking with my girlfriend laughing about this interaction. I’d forgotten how Aussie guys are.
“I mean, I’m just used to how fucking arrogant New York men are”. I’m feeling passionate about my observations so my voice is loud along this street and I manage to lock eyes with a passing New York dog walking bloke as I say this. He smirks at my statement and winks at me as he passes. “I’m sorry”, I tell him, embarrassed. He shrugs, unoffended and acknowledging.
That’s sexy arrogance right there.

New York men are sexy arrogant. They are unapologetic about what they want.

New York City is sexy arrogant. It’s the city that will kick your sore ass from the top to the tip and it knows you’ll come back. New York knows it’s appeal and it’s arrogant about it. Oh yeah, you find me tough? You still love me though and you’ll come back for more.

Sexy arrogance.

Sometimes they come back

Ha, I love that title because it reminds me of a horror movie title. Its not true though, they don’t SOMETIMES come back, they taco2ALWAYS come back.
Take a very good friend of mine. She was hopelessly into one guy, pursued him for a while and eventually won her man. She’s a hottie, he was batting way above his average. But eventually after being together for over a year, he broke her heart. She was devastated, inconsolable . That was until she met Matt, Matt is hot. Like, hot hot. She wasn’t that keen, still heeling a broken heart. But she went along with it, loving his attentiveness towards her. She was still reluctant to commit, unwilling to get her heart broken again.
It’s now been a year and a half since they met. They’ve vacationed together, meet each other’s families and spent important holidays together. They are in love. In the middle of this, or really still now – the ex who was never worth her time in the first place continues to chase her. He likes her Facebook posts, he messages her for ‘catch ups’ , he tries to be her friend. She’s not bothered, he lost his chance. But you know, they come back.

On the guy’s side. I have a great Australian friend of mine who is crazy in love with this girl who just got divorced ten months ago. He wants to be with her, like crazy badly. They’ve slept together, they’ve visited each other in their separate states, She tells him oh so many times she loves him but just can’t…. She tries to stall their texts, tells him not to call her. I told him to stop messaging her until she makes up her mind. He did. And guess what? She’s come back.

Whenever people read this blog, one of the first questions I get is “what happened to Taco, did you find out?”

I never found out why Taco went from all crazy commitment intent boyfriend like dude to disappearing off the the face of the earth. But only because I didn’t ask.
About a month or so later he started following me on twitter. He favourited a few of my posts and then the texts came.
At first they were jokes, stupid shit that he’d know I’d find funny from our brief time together.  Then friendly “how are you liking New York City” messages. Then they got more intense, more flattering, more charming.
It’s been a bit of an ego trip for me, To know I could have this guy once again. But why? Why would I?

This is a guy who seemed really into us and managed to just drop me like a 3 day old chinese take out.

When you have a connection with someone, it’s the best thing in the world. Some people feel it more than others. Some people “ghost” and break their partners heart.

Look, I’ve been guilty of the same in a previous life.I just know I won’t do it again.

Take Jewish lawyer. We went on two dates and he asked me out on a dozen more, if I didn’t want a movie, I might want a coffee in the middle of the day, no? Ok dinner, a walk ….anything.

Sometimes its easier to stop messaging than to say the inevitable “I’m not that into you” but you know, it’s more brave and courageous to just be real.
And I did with Jewish lawyer. I thanked him for his generous dates but told I was seeing someone else. He was perfectly courteous. Of course.
And I did with Taco. But it’s been like a red rag to a bull. He’s determined to win me over. Will he succeed ?
Not a fucking chance, mate.