I should’ve walked away

I should’ve walked away when he told me he wasn’t ready for a relationship.

I should’ve walked away when his phone would mysteriously ring at 3am.

I should’ve walked away when he refused to delete his online dating profile.

I should’ve walked away when he told me he never wanted to get married.

I should’ve walked away when after eventually we committed to a relationship, he still continued to friend dozens of random single girls on Facebook.

I should’ve walked away when his sister called him a man whore.

I should’ve walked away when I found messages on his computer to a bunch of different girls asking them to hang out during times I was at work.

I should’ve walked away when he pleaded for forgiveness but still couldn’t tell me the truth about it.

I should’ve walked away when his own behavior made him super suspicious of mine.

I should’ve walked away when he used to take his phone with him everywhere, even to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

I should’ve walked away when he finally walked away from me.

I should walk away when even six months after the relationship has ended, he still keeps me hanging on.

I shouldn’t take his calls.

I shouldn’t believe him when he cries and tells me he can’t find anyone like me.

I shouldn’t listen to “I love you”.

I should walk away.


Baby, I want you, an na
Can’t keep your eyes off my fatty

Daddy, I want you, na na

Drunk in love, I want you.

We’ve all been there. A great night feeling loved up, boozy and giggly with your man turns into a night of wild, crazy, passionate, rip-your-clothes-off-and-leaves-scars type of sex. Waking up with flash backs of the sexual desire you both felt in the heat of the moment, wondering “how the hell did that shit happen”. Oh baby.


One night with Heat, we’d been out enjoying a date night with beers and whiskey and constant touching, kissing, stroking, laughing, falling back to his bed. Heated passion with Heat. He’s taking me from behind, feeling powerful, feeling masculine as he pulls on my hair and slaps my ass, asking me, “Oh yeah, you like Daddy’s cock?”



Kind of shocked agreement came out of my mouth. What? Daddy? Daddy’s cock?

It’s all I can think about the next morning. Why did he call himself Daddy, is it a new thing, is this going to turn into some weird role play or am I missing something?

As usual, when in doubt of confusing the American, 25 year old Brooklyn Hispanic Hipster lingo with my own sheltered Irish upbringing, I turn to Urban Dictionary.

“A daddy satisfies your sexual and emotional needs. A daddy tells you nice things when your sad and makes you feel beautiful and special when your lonely. A daddy is the kind of man that will spank you when your bad and then kiss it better afterwards. A daddy is not only a lover, but also a best friend and nurturing authority figure”.

It so fits with Heat’s personality, he’s definitely the type to be authoritative while telling me he wants to keep me safe. He’s strict and demanding while showering me with affection and kisses. 

But “Daddy”? Really, can I call a guy, Daddy??!!

Usher’s song “Daddy’s home” addresses his dominance over his woman, Beyonce in several of her latest tunes addresses Jay Z as her Daddy. It’s pure sex. It’s submissive and an ego boost for a guy. After reading a couple more google searches on the topic, its clear that ‘Daddy’ is a pet name for your man, one that portrays ownership, dominance and intent .Not, thankfully some weird parental fantasy.

A few weeks after it’s all over with Heat & I (I’ll come back to this at some stage), I’m being pushed against a wall and kissed by Bartender. It’s oh so late into the alcohol fueled night and the next words out of his mouth….

“From now on, you’ll only call me Daddy.”

Ok, it’s a thing.

Sexy Arrogance

New York has a way of kicking your ass like no other city I’ve been in. Anywhere else you can have a long tough day and your journey home will suck for no other reason than you are just in a bad mood. In New York you will leave, try and get a cab and there’s suddenly none, a passing car can splash dirty puddle water right up on you, your heel will snap and when you finally grab that elusive taxi, you’ll realize half way home that you’ve left your wallet in the office. It’s never just one kick, New York will grab that sucky ass day and kick your butt the entire length of Manhattan.
In the months I’ve been here, I’ve come up against more challenges and more tough situations than I could imagine. What’s gotten me through this is the friends I’ve made. We laugh over the shitty tests this city manages too throw at you seemingly on a weekly basis. When you know people are facing the same trials, it’s reassuring and gives you that strength to see it through.
Sunday afternoon I’m sitting with my gay male buddy having chats over beers. We’re discussing exactly this, the challenges of living in the Big Apple. He tells me that October and November were two of his toughest months in the city. Work politics, money issues and lack of knowing people in this big city got on top of him. He tells me how happy he is since we met in January. Having a partner in crime changes your perspective on how life is. He tells me, in a love-in moment, that I’ve brightened up his life. I feel the same, he’s an awesome guy and someone I instantly connected with.
We discuss our similar personality traits, he’s as brutally honest as I am. We can tell each how how it is, straight and without bullshit. Then he tells me he loves my arrogance.

I nearly fall off my barstool laughing. I’m arrogant? He says yes, but it’s sexy arrogance. What the fuck is sexy arrogance, I ask him. He tells me to think Heather Locklear in Melrose Place.

Not bad, I can handle that. I can be Heather.

The night before I’d gone to a birthday party hosted by Australians I know from my years spent in Sydney. There’s an Aussie guy there that I guess I’ve caught the attention of judging from the glances he keeps throwing my way.

We leave the house and hit Niagra in the East Village. He still does not approach me properly, but instead employs the Aussie lad technique of showing me he’s interested by buying me beers.

It gets to the point where I’ve got three full bottles of Bud in my hands and I’m unable to literally hold anymore beers. I have to tell him to stop buying me drinks. He’s not even chatting me up, just throwing drinks at me. He’s no idea how else to show his intentions.

At the end of the night, he orchestrates it so that we share a taxi home, despite the fact that it’s a stretch to pretend we are going in the same direction.

The next day I receive a Facebook friend request from him. He messages me telling me that when we were in the cab and he’d gone for the kill, afterwards he’d leaned back and looked at me and said “Wow, you are a really good kisser”.

He tells me I played it cool, apparently rolling my eyes and answering “yeah, I know”.

Right so that’s this arrogance coming in.

A couple of days later I’m walking with my girlfriend laughing about this interaction. I’d forgotten how Aussie guys are.
“I mean, I’m just used to how fucking arrogant New York men are”. I’m feeling passionate about my observations so my voice is loud along this street and I manage to lock eyes with a passing New York dog walking bloke as I say this. He smirks at my statement and winks at me as he passes. “I’m sorry”, I tell him, embarrassed. He shrugs, unoffended and acknowledging.
That’s sexy arrogance right there.

New York men are sexy arrogant. They are unapologetic about what they want.

New York City is sexy arrogant. It’s the city that will kick your sore ass from the top to the tip and it knows you’ll come back. New York knows it’s appeal and it’s arrogant about it. Oh yeah, you find me tough? You still love me though and you’ll come back for more.

Sexy arrogance.

Is this a date?

“What kind of cuisine is your favorite?”

My personal trainer (PT) stands over me as I’m doing repetitions of weighted squats. Uh oh, I know where this is going.

Yes, I had given in to his aggressive selling pitch. Or really I gave into his ridiculously cheap offer for training sessions and as a preferred alternative to him joining me on my cardio work outs.

“Do you like steak? You can’t live in New York if you don’t like steak….have you been to Delmonico’s, Bobby Van’s, Peter Luger’s?”

During the hour long session, we discuss restaurants over weights and lunges. Me working out, him working up to asking me out.By stretching time he’d cemented the plans for that very evening, for a BBQ joint in Brooklyn….not quite Peter Luger’s.
To be honest, or maybe being naive, I wasn’t actually sure whether we were going on a ‘date’ or he just wanted to be friends. He spoke about socializing with clients so it seemed to be something he does on a regular basis. The way he phrases the dinner plans at the end doesn’t sound ‘datey’ but more friendly.

Yeah…it was definitely a date.
He paid for dinner. Subtly he tries to lets me know he finds me attractive slowly….commenting on how his ‘type’ is blonde, non American, white girls. Sounds awfully familiar.
He likes accents. He likes curvy girls. Righttttt.
Eventually he just flat out tells me I’m sexy as I squirm in my chair.
It doesn’t really feel right. Or my heart’s not in it.

A girlfriend texts me saying she’s in a bar in Brooklyn. Awesome, a get out clause. My PT and I go meet her and the two chefs from her restaurant in a neighborhood bar.

As the night goes on, the trainer suggests we meet in the morning for a cardio session, he asks if I’ve got plans for Valentine’s evening and offers to take me out. When my girlfriend suggests I join her at a yoga centre she’s been raving about for weeks, he invites himself along.

The chefs ask when I’m coming into their restaurant again and when I mention I’d planned to bring a friend there on Saturday night, PT jumps in to say he’s happy to join. He then asks me what I’m doing on Sunday and if I’m free.Basically he’s now planned out my entire weekend.It’s too much.I smile at all his suggested plans and mumble in a non committal way.He touches my knee under the table. I don’t respond.

After a few hours in the bar, we share a taxi back to our building. He sits very close to me and becomes more and more tactile as the cab drives over the Williamsburg Bridge back into Manhattan. I sit there like a frozen fish.

He’s gotten the hint.

Making me promise to meet him in the morning in the gym, he doesn’t make a move as he gets out of the elevator on his floor.Maybe it’s because I’m backed right into the elevator’s corner with my arms folded and my cheek already turned in one hell of a “don’t even think about it” stance.

It’s interactions like these that confuse me.During my time in New York I’ve met at least three stable, intelligent, ambitious, good looking men who tick boxes (i.e. not a psycho, not stingy, not a ladies man etc etc etc) and are keen to give ‘us’ a shot. I’ve run a mile.

I thought I was ready to be in a relationship, I thought I was looking for love. I still think I’m looking for love.So why when it’s offered as a potential to me do I run? Why do I pursue the emotionally unavailable inappropriate types like Taco and Heat?

Answers on a postcard please….

Sometimes they come back

Ha, I love that title because it reminds me of a horror movie title. Its not true though, they don’t SOMETIMES come back, they taco2ALWAYS come back.
Take a very good friend of mine. She was hopelessly into one guy, pursued him for a while and eventually won her man. She’s a hottie, he was batting way above his average. But eventually after being together for over a year, he broke her heart. She was devastated, inconsolable . That was until she met Matt, Matt is hot. Like, hot hot. She wasn’t that keen, still heeling a broken heart. But she went along with it, loving his attentiveness towards her. She was still reluctant to commit, unwilling to get her heart broken again.
It’s now been a year and a half since they met. They’ve vacationed together, meet each other’s families and spent important holidays together. They are in love. In the middle of this, or really still now – the ex who was never worth her time in the first place continues to chase her. He likes her Facebook posts, he messages her for ‘catch ups’ , he tries to be her friend. She’s not bothered, he lost his chance. But you know, they come back.

On the guy’s side. I have a great Australian friend of mine who is crazy in love with this girl who just got divorced ten months ago. He wants to be with her, like crazy badly. They’ve slept together, they’ve visited each other in their separate states, She tells him oh so many times she loves him but just can’t…. She tries to stall their texts, tells him not to call her. I told him to stop messaging her until she makes up her mind. He did. And guess what? She’s come back.

Whenever people read this blog, one of the first questions I get is “what happened to Taco, did you find out?”

I never found out why Taco went from all crazy commitment intent boyfriend like dude to disappearing off the the face of the earth. But only because I didn’t ask.
About a month or so later he started following me on twitter. He favourited a few of my posts and then the texts came.
At first they were jokes, stupid shit that he’d know I’d find funny from our brief time together.  Then friendly “how are you liking New York City” messages. Then they got more intense, more flattering, more charming.
It’s been a bit of an ego trip for me, To know I could have this guy once again. But why? Why would I?

This is a guy who seemed really into us and managed to just drop me like a 3 day old chinese take out.

When you have a connection with someone, it’s the best thing in the world. Some people feel it more than others. Some people “ghost” and break their partners heart.

Look, I’ve been guilty of the same in a previous life.I just know I won’t do it again.

Take Jewish lawyer. We went on two dates and he asked me out on a dozen more, if I didn’t want a movie, I might want a coffee in the middle of the day, no? Ok dinner, a walk ….anything.

Sometimes its easier to stop messaging than to say the inevitable “I’m not that into you” but you know, it’s more brave and courageous to just be real.
And I did with Jewish lawyer. I thanked him for his generous dates but told I was seeing someone else. He was perfectly courteous. Of course.
And I did with Taco. But it’s been like a red rag to a bull. He’s determined to win me over. Will he succeed ?
Not a fucking chance, mate.

The Stockbroker with ADD

He was an Italian American stockbroker who I met on the subway one early hot August morning.

We locked eyes and he continued to eyeball me for the entire short journey, jumping off when I did. Introducing himself, he announced he’d gotten off the subway a stop early because he just had to get my number.

So full of strangely attractive balls and confidence. Yes, I appreciated it.

For the next week, my phone was bombarded with texts from him, relentlessly pursuing me for a date with some very funny pleas.

So we met at a bar just off Wall St. Our conversation began with my trying to explain my Irish background but how I lived in Australia for the past six years. He could not, COULD NOT get his head around it.


After explaining the hows, whys and whats to him more than once, he asks “So you are Australian?”.


Yes, I’m Australian then.

He was, what I’d imagined a stereotypical New York stockbroker to be. Loud, charming and twitchy.

He went to the bar to get our first drinks, bringing back himself a beer and a vodka tonic for me.

“Umm I wanted a beer”.
“No, girls drink vodka tonics”, was his response.


Before setting the drink down in front of me, he tasted it on my behalf and deemed it too potent. He strode back to the bar and asked for it to be in a taller glass with more tonic to water it down for me.

His attention span was short. His train of thought and subsequent conversation jumped so much I stopped him to ask if he’d been tested for ADD.

His answer?

“Yes, I did a couple of years ago….should I go back for a second opinion?”

After two hours of chat in the bar, he offered me a tour of his offices around 8pm.

What? Why?

He produced a packet of condoms with a suggestive wink.

My shock and repulsion was clearly evident on my face. He paid the tab and promptly walked me to the subway station.

Date over I guess??

These New York men

“Are you a serial dater?”

Ummm….what? Was I a serial dater? What’s a serial dater? I thought about it, I guess I’d gone on three dates in the past month but I mean, is that serial dating?

My mouth opened and closed like a fish, stupidly considering his question.

“You are then.”

The stranger stood in front of me, unimpressed and challenging.

“Well, I don’t really know – what is a serial dater?”

His head cocked to one side, questioning whether I was for real.

“Are you a dinner whore?”

Omg, what did he just say? A what whore? Am I a whore?

My shock and confusion must’ve been apparent on my face and at least extreme enough for him to believe that I was genuinely stumped.

“It’s a girl who dates just to get fed, he offered by way of explanation. “It’s a thing here. The New York Times wrote an article about it. Google it.”

“Ok”. I stuttered lamely.

“Why are you here, who are you waiting for? I mean, you are single right? Otherwise you would’ve answered no to my first question. Are you waiting for a date?”

He’s a stock New York man. Abrasive, egotistical and with that ‘if you don’t ask, you don’t get’ attitude.

I’ve been in New York City for seven months now and I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to this upfront, unapologetic attitude. I’m a black & white girl as it is, I like knowing where I stand. Ambiguity, vague people and bullshit are my top turn offs. But this, this…INTEROGATION…by cocky NYC men never fails to make me feel like a tongue tied country bumpkin.

I was sitting at the bar at Harry’s, an underground Wall St Steakhouse, sipping on a wine waiting for my late friend’s arrival when a suited and booted, tall, extremely confident man approached me on his way out the door.

When I was leaving Australia, a long term girlfriend and her Texan coworker discussed my move over a few Sauvignon Blancs one evening.  Texan looked at me gravely and told me “The dating scene in New York is tough.” That’s ok, I can handle it I told her. We’ll see, was her all-knowing answer.

The dating scene in New York IS fucking tough. It’s a brutally competitive place in every single way.

In any other city you can meet someone you are attracted to and find interesting enough that you think ‘hey, I’m onto something here’. In New York that can happen every single day, such is the abundance of unique hotties.

There’s no city like it for dating opportunities. But in New York, there is always someone more successful, with a better body, who’s better looking, richer, younger, smarter, more interesting than you or the person you are sitting across from that evening.

I’m made painfully aware of that fact when even working out in my apartment building’s gym feels like I’ve walked onto the set of America’s Next Top Model and I’m surrounded by impossibly gorgeous females who are burning off nonexistent fat.

Is this why serial dating is ‘a thing’ here? People don’t want to commit to one another because they are holding out for someone LIKE you, but just a little better? But then when they find that person, there’s probably someone who’s just that bit better again.

“What are you looking for?” the suit continues his challenge.

My eyes widen. Is he asking me what I’m looking for in relationship terms?

“I……ummm…..I mean…..I….” My parents would be so proud of my grasp on the English language right now.

“I’m asking because I’m looking for a relationship. I’ve wasted enough time and money on serial daters, I want someone real”.

“Why are you telling me this, I don’t even know your name.” Oh, there’s my voice. I’ve finally reacquainted myself with my tongue.

He tells me his name, his occupation as an accountant, he’s recently been made a Vice President at his company, he’s my age, he’s handsome and he wants my number. In one sentence.

“You sound like a salesman not an accountant, I tell him.  “You cannot seriously announce to me that you are handsome, haven’t you ever heard of beauty being in the eye of the beholder?”

“I’m pretty fucking handsome though”.

“So you said,” I’m half amused.

“Are you disagreeing with my self-assessment?”

The guy is undoubtedly handsome. But now he’s asking me to tell him that he’s good looking. I roll my eyes. He grins.

“Gimme ya numba cutie”

These New York men……………………..

A heart broken

I’ll never forget the race down the hospital corridor.

I tore out of the elevator, dodging wheelchairs, nurses, visitors, running as fast as I could, trying to get to my dying mother’s room to say a final goodbye. I didn’t know she was already gone. I didn’t know I was already too late.

A blur came out of my periphery and blocked my path. I slammed into it, vaguely registering it as my father’s best friend Brian, whose strong arms pinned me into place, stopping me in my tracks.

I struggled in his arms, unable to speak. I wanted him to let me go, the words wouldn’t come to tell him I needed to get to the room…I might only have seconds left… he didn’t understand I needed to go….he couldn’t understand what was happening….nobody had told him it was time….if he would just release me…I could make it…..


My name choked out of his clogged throat. I looked up at him, straight in the eye and instantly understood. She was gone. My legs buckled. He crumbled.

Late the night before my younger sister had come into my bedroom crying. I wrapped my arms around her, my tears had already been flowing too. We both went into the sitting room to our Dad. His eyes were wet when he looked up at us walking in.

At 19 years old, I curled up like a kid on one side of my Dad, my baby sister who’d just celebrated her 13th birthday snuggled into him on the other side. He wrapped his arms around both of us and the three of us sat crying together, all heartbroken, all in pain, all knowing what was coming.

My mom’s health had declined rapidly since September, her hair gone, her body shrunken, eaten away by the horrible disease that is cancer. I have no idea why on the eve of her death how the three of us all suddenly became overcome by grief, as if we knew….as if we all sensed it was her final night alive. My Dad calls it the night we “howled at the moon”.

My Dad went to the hospital that Friday morning and called me at home. His voice was soft and quiet, he told me to come to the hospital. He said he felt she was about to pass away this morning and that I should come and say goodbye.

I called a taxi, in a blind panic directing him to the hospital, a 15 minute drive away. I’d paid him before the taxi even turned up the hospital avenue…I jumped out of the car while it was still moving, while the driver yelled protestations at the danger I was putting myself in when I was too impatient to wait for him to pull up to the main doors.

Brian’s wife Una walked over to me and took my hand, we walked together the rest of the way down the corridor. In her room, my Dad sat beside her bed, his head in his hands, his tears starting all over again each time he had to watch one of his three children walk into a room realizing their mom was gone. My mom lay so still, peaceful, pale in the same bed she’d been in for 30 days. She’d been admitted into hospital after a rough Christmas and never came out.

Before the cancer ravaged her, she was a gorgeous woman. Every kid thinks their mother is beautiful and I was no different.

She had bright blue eyes which sparkled with mischief, smiles and secrets. Her pale skin was flawless, unblemished. Her hair was her crowning glory, strawberry blonde glossy waves that fell past her shoulders. A true Irish cailin.

People adored her. She radiated warmth, love, fun and intelligence. I recognized from an early age my mother was the type of person who attracted people to her. Everyone wanted to be in her presence.  As a child it drove me wild with jealously. I went to the school she taught at and would watch the groups of children who’d follow her around the playground, falling over themselves to impress her, seeking her approval. I’d seethe quietly, worrying what if they were successful, would she love one of them more than me?

As an adult I feel nothing but heart swelling pride at the impact she had on people around her. I had no idea, no clue that so, so many people held her in such high regard.

The emails, the cards, the phone calls, the visitors flooded in over that weekend. Literally hundreds of stories about my mom were told or written to us, she’d touched so many people’s lives. Friends, relatives, past students, people I didn’t know, drove across the country, flew in from the UK, Europe and America to pay their respects, to be there for her funeral.

For five days, we held a wake as we waited for all the people to get to our home town. It was a true celebration of her life accumulating in a final mass in our locality’s large church. I stood on the altar and spoke about my mom looking down at the packed room, making eye contact with my friends, with her friends and each of the three boys in the room who thought they were my boyfriend (awkward).

Every single pew was filled, people filed up the sides of the church, filling the standing room at the back and spilling out onto the church grounds. I spoke that day about exactly what our family had experienced since her death, how touched and proud we were at the astounding amount of love that had poured from every direction, people whose lives she had touched.

A year or two ago my sister emailed me a link to a Facebook page for a school reunion at the school my mom had taught at. Past students were posting on the wall, looking forward to the event when someone posted a picture of my mother. Dozens of comments appeared over the next few days as her past students shared memories of her, mostly hilarious stories of her classes, some kids sharing the positive impacts she’d had on them and their lives.

This month marks the 13th year since she passed away and yet just two days ago a friend in NYC told me that a comment I’d written on her Facebook post was seen by a girl who was taught by my mother. The girl got in touch with my friend to ask if she knew whether I was her old teacher’s daughter. She said my mom had changed her life, during the two years my mom had taught her , they’d developed a bond and said my mom had helped her hugely with her self-esteem and spent a lot of time with the class teaching the benefits of reflection and belief.

This girl must’ve been taught by my mom at least twenty years ago and still, she remains front of mind.

The pain of losing her was immense. It was both psychical and emotional. I was angry for a long time. I was terrified I would forget her, forget her smell, her laugh, her hugs and her love. Some days I was fine, some days the grief would hit me like a ton of bricks.

Years and years later I was comforting a friend through a horrible break up. I told her that time was the only healer, that only with time would she start to feel ok again. She looked at me irritated and asked me how the hell would I know, I’d always been the one to end my relationships, I’d never gotten my heart broken.

I stared at her in utter disbelief….never gotten my heart broken? My heart was smashed into a million pieces when I lost my mom, it’s still only slowly been pieced together. For years that heart ache caused me to push friends away, push my Dad away and turn cold towards any guy who wanted to be with me.

It still hurts sometimes. It kills me when I hear people bitch about their mothers or not appreciating them, I want to shout at them to love and cherish every single second they have with their mothers. But most of the time I’m grateful to have been her daughter. She gave me the love of writing, she taught me so much about people, she taught me to want and expect the best.

She comes to me in my dreams every few months. Always beautiful, always smiling. My brother and sister say the same thing. Those mornings I wake up smiling myself, I feel peaceful, I feel loved.

How to lose a guy in 10 steps

I can barely bring myself to write this.                                                                                                               panic
In a moment of…..what? I don’t know…call it insanity, loneliness, attention seeking, opportunity grabbing, risk taking, I sent my story written about Heat TO Heat.

What is this? How to lose a guy in ten days?! Is that what I’m attempting to do here? Or plain old traditional self-sabotage?

Forget ten days, this is how you lose him in 48 hours.

First step.
Send your crush a text after midnight telling them you want, no wait…NEED to see them.

Second step.
When he agrees to have you over despite knowing you are drunk, down another three shots on top of the hours of drinking you already have under your belt.

Third step.
Land your drunken ass over to his house when he’s just driven two hours home from a long work shift.

Forth step.
Proceed to get jealous about a new painting in his room that a childhood female friend painted for him.

Fifth step.
Announce that you’ve written a story about him (What? Why? Am I now in some creative competition with his painter friend?)

Sixth step.
Insist he orders a sandwich for you, it’s now 2am.

Seventh step.
Pass out before the sandwich arrives.

Eighth step.
Wake up the next morning and be utterly shocked at him mentioning the story BUT (possibly still drunk) agree to send it to him.

Ninth step.
That afternoon when you are sober again and he asks for it, change your mind and refuse.

Tenth step
The following day, when he badgers you again, send the story against your mate’s advice, which was in no uncertain terms to ABSOLUTELY NOT FUCKING SEND THAT THING TO HIM.

The moment I hit send, I froze. My blood ran cold. I stopped breathing. What the fuck had I done? Instant regret and horror flooded me. Why did I do that? Was I actually deliberately trying to scare the life out of this guy by sending him a story in which I admit I’m looking for a husband, describe how attractive he is to me and slam his Lothario ways.

I mean JESUS, I’ve known him for two months and the first month didn’t even count!

My heart is racing beyond control. He messages me, “you never told me you were looking for a husband”.

Oh shit. I mean, what is wrong with me? Isn’t that 101 dating, not to mention your urge to settle down?

So what do you think, I ask him. He says he thinks he needs to continue getting dressed.

The knot in my stomach tightens. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

He comes back with “you were right in saying it would be like handing me your diary, that’s what it was more than anything. It’s your thoughts literally dumped onto paper”.

I want to vomit.

“It’s endearing,” he says. “It made my heart glow”.

Tiny flash of relief before turning to feeling as anxious as Bambi’s mother when she saw the hunter’s pointed gun.

I still feel like I’ve lost him forever because well right now, I’ve passed the point of sanity. I’ve gone heart pounding, stomach clenching into an abyss of utter manic freak out.

“I feel like I need a Xanax,” I tell him before adding, “I’m half kidding”.

Relax, he tells me about five times in a row. Please never regret sending that to me.

I tell him that life is about chances and I took one. It is what it is. I’m trying to appear calm and reflective. But then, I ask him if he’s freaked out.

“Of course I am,” he says. “I’m fucking terrified. I felt my insides churn”.

It’s ok, I tell him, I’m going to go back to Australia and we’ll never have to see each other again.

“WTF,” he says. “Now that you better be kidding about”.

After that he has to return to work for another double shift and leaves telling me to ‘chill’ and we’d talk later.

I don’t hear from him for two days. I don’t know if I can describe how those two days went for me. I barely ate, I slept a LOT, like a LOT and I definitely didn’t drink.

By Sunday afternoon I’ve decided it (whatever “it” was) is clearly over and I agree to a date with a Jewish lawyer from the East Village. A guy who I’ve cancelled dates on and barely reply to his messages. I.e. a guy I don’t get totally psychotic about.

We go to Fish in the West Village for oysters, my mood can’t help but lift. I love oysters more than life itself.

This lawyer has told me that he’s 28 but immediately trips himself up by talking about his current job which is his “first job out of college”. I stop him in his tracks, doing the math out loud and tell him that he couldn’t be more than 26. Yes, he’s 26 but begs me not to judge him, not to make our age difference ‘a thing’.

I’ve just poured my heart out to a 25 year old, I don’t need now to be getting mixed up with a 26 year old, I need a man who’s my age. But that Sunday evening what I needed more than anything was a distraction from Heat. So we actually have fun, a great meal and then to go a jazz bar to play fuzbol.

He tries to kiss me at the end of our date. I turn my head so he gets my cheek. He tries again. I turn my head again so he’s kissed my other cheek in some sort of weird Mediterranean goodbye. “This is awkward, you know what I’m trying to do”, he says frustrated and plants a kiss firmly on my lips.

I can’t help but laugh.

I feel a bit better about life again. I’m almost sure I can get over the cringe worthiness of sending the modern day equivalent of a love sonnet to a guy I barely know. A guy who I haven’t heard a peep from in 48 hours.

Onwards and upwards, I can do this.

My phone pings….it’s him. My Hispanic Hipster.

“My darling, I miss you.”

It doesn’t matter

It doesn’t matter.

A fucking revelation hit me on Friday night. MY GOD – please just release the self-imposed pressure and just let life flow.

How good was I at this in my twenties? Unrivalled. I never stopped for a moment to think ahead, to look into the future. I just lived in that very moment.

In all my relationships I refused to discuss or think about their future or any sort of long term commitment, preferring just to go with it for as long as it felt right.

Marriage? Ha, no possibility. Moving in together? Talk to me in five years, sweetheart. A holiday away with a boyfriend instead of partying with gaggle of my wildest girlfriends? No chance.

Then I hit 30. The big three oh. I was a bridesmaid three times in a row. My three best friends pop out sprogs. Suddenly I’m the only one left throwing caution to the wind, getting up to mischief while managing to throw myself into my career the way you only can when you only have yourself to consider.

So I guessed it was time to pull my shit together and find a husband. Easy. No problem. I already turned down two marriage proposals in my twenties. Now that I was 30, I just needed to announce to the world that I’ve changed and that I’m ready to settle down and the rest will follow. Sit back, relax and wait for Mr. Right.

Skip to the next scene, I’ve just turned thirty fucking two. Wow, two years of sitting back and Mr. Right has yet to come knocking.

Two years. Two years I’ve spent waiting for Mr. Right. Two years it’s been since I made the monumental (in my head) decision that this.was.it. I was ready.

And I’ve pushed aside. I’ve been pushed aside

He’s borderline cheap, he’s excessive with cash, he doesn’t have the right job, he doesn’t have good relationships with his family, never holds the door open for me, he dresses kind of weird, he’s not attractive enough, he’s too attractive, he mentioned his ex-girlfriend four times in one date, he’s never had a girlfriend, he doesn’t seem that interested, I’m not that interested.

I’ve been hard on men, tossing them aside when they don’t tick the boxes I’ve decided need to be ticked if I’m to commit to a serious relationship. I’m looking for a husband. I don’t have time to waste with a guy who’s not ticking enough boxes.

Enter Heat. Tall, Latino, Brooklyn drummer, hipster, 25 year old lothario. Full head of curls, plump lips, chocolate brown eyes and coffee coloured skin. He contacts me on a dating website I’ve just joined, offering a casual affair which I decline. He’s charming, he’s over the top, he’s dramatic, he’s smart, he’s funny. His pictures portray a Lenny Kravitz type sex appeal and he’s here for one reason only.

I decline his offer of sex, on OkCupid it’s just one of the many messages I receive which offer the same. It’s just very rare that someone’s pics strike me in the way his do. He’s different, completely opposite to me in every single way. Yet something keeps drawing me back to him. He persists in asking me out for three weeks. I keep saying no, though my resolution not to fall into a sex based affair is weakening.

I say no because I know I would jump into bed with this guy, I know it would be hot. I know I’d be grinning on a post coital glow for a couple of days. But nah, I’m 32 and too old for casual sex, it’s never been for me.  It gives me nothing in the long run.

Or so I think. We eventually swap phone numbers. We start texting, he apologises for the initial way he approached me, says he no longer wants just to bed me. He wants to get to know me. I know its utter horseshit and it’s just this curly haired man’s newest tactic but I don’t care anymore.

By Halloween night our contact has reached a frenzy. I’m still trying to resist him in a way, he wants to call me and I refuse to speak to him on the phone, finding different excuses not to answer his call. He persists. I’m still trying to self-protect or at least limit the impending damage.

I ask him what he’s doing and tell him where I am. He doesn’t miss his chance. Half way out the door with his housemates, he changes direction and comes into the city, up to the Halloween party where I’m at and pays the $80 cover charge without a flinch or a Halloween costume.

The first time I meet him it’s exactly how I pictured, what I knew would happen. We are kissing within minutes. Within hours we are a mess of tangled, sweaty limbs.

And he’s gone. Just as I knew it would happen. He resurfaces every two or three weeks and manages each time to charm me back to his bed. He proclaims he misses me, he needs me, he can’t bear that it’s taken him so long to realize it. I don’t believe it but I let him pour sugar in my ear, I let him convince me back into his arms each time. I don’t really care that it’s bullshit, I just go with it.

Heat, to me screams sex. From the curls, to the words that fall from those full lips to his thin hips, everything about this boy was made to procreate. I can’t resist.

And then somewhere along the line, it stops being just about sex for me. Out of the blue, he creeps into my thoughts one day and then just lodges himself there. What the fuck.

I feel my emotions turning and I can’t stop it…..shit.

It turns into a head versus heart battle. My head’s telling me to run, as fast as possible in the opposite direction and my heart is already in a cab to Brooklyn.

An old friend comes to New York for Christmas. Paul knows me inside out, knows my strengths and weaknesses. Knows what I’m looking for.

We hit a bar on Friday night, before meeting his family for dinner. He asks me about my love life. I tell him about Heat and spill out my conflicted thoughts.

What am I doing?? Why am I wasting my headspace and time with a guy who I am predicting will smash my heart without a second thought?

Paul stops me in my tracks and tells me to calm down. He tells me to relax and enjoy my Hispanic Hipster. A thousand buts spill out of my mouth. I stumble over every single reason why I should not, why I cannot give my time, head or heart to this guy. I mean, I’m supposed to be looking for a husband, not shacking up with a ladies man.

But what’s the big deal, asks Paul. Are you having fun?

Fun is beside the point. Or is it? Paul doesn’t think so…

That’s when my epiphany strikes. Suddenly I realize I just need to chill out. Relax and realize that life is too short to continue on this chase for something to happen. Why am I not just enjoying the moment?? Who cares if he’s not going to be the husband I’ve been trying to find…just live in the moment.

Heat might be around for a day or a week or a month but what does it matter?

It doesn’t matter.

I’ve flipped back to my 20 something mindset. The mindset that never did me wrong.

Start to live in the moment once again. Stop concentrating on tomorrow and start living today. Ok I might get my heart smashed in the meantime but I’ve gotten to 32 without ever experiencing a broken heart so maybe it’s time?

It’s time to take a risk, I do it in all aspects of my life so why not with love? I have to know that I took a leap of faith at least once — even if I do fall flat on my face.